Prayer for Excellence
Lord Jesus Christ, sometimes I choose to think about the wrong things and lose sight of You.
Help me to think about what is true; so I always remember Your love, mercy and kindness are everlasting.
Help me to think about what is honorable; so everything I do brings honor to Your holy name.
Help me to think about what is righteous; so I always do Your will and not my will.
Help me to think about what is pure; so I may overcome sin in my life.
Help me to think about what is pleasing; so I never do anything to offend You.
Help me to think about what is admirable; so others always see Your goodness in me and give You glory.
Help me to think about what is virtuous; so I may always act in virtue.
Help me to think about what is praiseworthy; so everything I say and do praises Your holy name.
Through the merits and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the angels and saints, may I always rejoice in the Lord and let His peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard my heart and mind.