In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.
- Proverbs 3:6
Unleashing the Power of the Mass
There is more power and grace in one Mass than any other form of worship or prayer. Tap into it!
The Priesthood
How do Catholic priests compare to priests of the Old Testament, of non-Catholic ministers and of us?
Sin, a Parable
A child is told, “Don't play ball in the front yard. You might break something.You already know what comes next.
God Really Does Love You
The world is full of evil and suffering and bad things happen. Does that mean God doesn't love you? You are a terrible sinner. Does that mean God does not love you? Find out why you can know for for sure "God Loves You".
Watch Out for Your Eyes
Eve gazed on the tree and sinned. David gazed on Bathsheba and sinned. What do we see that causes us to sin?
Purgatory - What is it?
Did Jesus "pay the price" and "wipe out our sins" so that everyone goes straight to Heaven upon death? Or is there something else He requires?
Christians Contributing to Atheism
Jesus calls His followers to be a light to the world. But some claim to be in the light yet live in darkness.
Reconciliation: Forgotten Sacrament
Nobody asks the question “How often should I bathe?”. We bathe our body regularly; but not so much the soul.
Lent - Going into the Desert
By the forty days of Lent, the Church unites herself to the mystery of Jesus in the desert. Let’s discover the mystery of the desert and how we can be united with our Lord.