The Lord himself will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid and don’t worry.
- Deuteronomy 31:8
Arguments Against Catholicism aren't Logical
Defending the Catholic faith with logic very seldom changes others' opinions of the Church. This is because their arguments do not conform to good logic.
Salvation, Eternal Life and Heaven
How does Eternal Life, the Kingdom of God, Purgatory and holiness fit into God's plan of salvation? (Stay Catholic)
St. Ignatius Validates the Church
Some say the will not believe anything unless it is written in Scripture. Would they believe what the people who wrote the Gospels taught their disciples? St. Ignatius was a disciple of Peter and John. Lets see what he has to say.
The Art Of (Spiritual) War
Paul writes "put on the armor of God." There would be no need for armor if we were not in a war. Learning the strategy and tactics of our spiritual enemies can help us achieve more spiritual victories.
Stress and Worry
Sometimes we cannot just quote Scripture about trusting God to try to overcome worry and stress. We need to understand what is going on in order to overcome stress and worry.
What End-Times Survivalists Get Wrong
Surviving the end-times is a $3 billion industry. Lets look at the recommendations that survivalist preachers give us for the Tribulation and End-times, to see if their ideas are supported by Scripture.
Do Not Be Carried Away by False Teaching
It might have been 2,500 years ago when these words were first spoken…”Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe!” YouTube did not exist; but “social media” did and many were led astray.
Holy Spirit - Power to Transform
The Holy Spirit is God's power of transformation. But the Holy Spirit does not act on His own will. Find out how the Holy Spirit really works and how to release the transforming power of the Holy Spirit into your life.
Seven Churches of Revelations
In Revelations, the Lord instructs John to write messages to seven churches in Asia Minor. The verse “Whoever has ears ought to hear what the Spirit says to the churches” is repeated 7 times. Is there a message for us?
Loving God: The Six Stages
Children go through six stages of development on their way to maturity. In each stage, children have different capabilities of love. Children of God can go through similar stages. Find out where you are in your spiritual maturity of love for God.
Is Your Spiritual Goal Wrong?
I learned in high school how setting the right goal motivates and excites, while the wrong goal causes complacency and laziness. Setting one's spiritual goal or desire incorrectly can lead to spiritual complacency and laziness. Let's see how.
Are Attachments Keeping You from God?
When a pet is leashed to its master, it can't stray from its master. Attachments (more than just our possessions) can become masters that keep us on a leash and deny us from reaching God.